There's a double-meaning in that, of course. Not only do we want to tell people about our film, but we want to get the Word of God into as many homes as possible through the medium of motion pictures.

If you can take just a little of your time to help us, it can really make the difference--and it could get you credit in the film! Check out the different ways you can join in...

Today's biggest marketing companies are all focused on the social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and the hundreds of other more specialized sites. The reason is that there is no greater endorsement of a product than when one person tells their friends how great it is. So, this is where you come in.

We need hundreds of individuals to give ten minutes a day to helping us spread the word through these outlets. Simply talking about our film on blogs, tweets, forums, chatrooms, websites and everywhere else will be a huge help. Be sure to include a link to this site or to our Facebook site when you mention us.

We will be monitoring the web for your posts. The 5 people who generate the most buzz online for us will get credit in the film as "Publicists." Be sure to email us if you are planning to help us out in this area.

         Help us Spread the Word!
One thing you can do that we cannot is to talk directly to people at your church about our project. We will be printing up some cards soon that will be handy to pass out. They will include the website and some other information about The Solomon Bunch.

We also would love to work with churches that have an interest in buying 100 or more copies in advance as a way to help us fund the project. Churches may want to sell the DVD's in their bookstore or even give them away as gifts to families with young children that visit the church. We will offer a very low price as a bulk rate for anyone who is interested in ordering ahead of time. Please email us if you or someone you know would like to place an order.

Traditional media is also a place we need exposure--especially in Christian print, radio, television and web outlets. If you or someone you know is involved in one of these, tell them about us and see if they would have an interest in featuring our production in an article or an on-air interview. In addition to our director and producers, we may be able to make available some of our actors, including ones who do very entertaining character voices and impressions.

Please have any media outlets contact us that are interested in setting up an interview. They can call 404-822-9939 or send an email.

The only way we will be able to truly "spread the WORD" is through the power of prayer. The Solomon Bunch is a great moral lesson based on the Proverbs of Solomon, but it will have no effect without the Holy Spirit's work. We cannot change lives no matter how clever our story or how compelling our argument. Only God can change lives. It is He that "gives the increase," and we want to see Him use this story to plant the seed of truth in young people.

Would you commit to praying regularly for this film to have an impact and to open doors for ministry wherever it is viewed? We could use many, many "prayer-partners" as we move forward in this endeavor. Email us to let us know you are praying!

©2011 Glassworks Media.
A new family film from Creekside Films and Pinecrest Pictures.